Lo veo tan chungo, tan rematadamente difícil... que es hasta posible
Dawn:Where do we go from hereBuffy & Spike:Where do we go from hereGiles:The battle's done,And we kinda won.Giles & Tara:So we sound our victory cheer.Where do we go from here.Anya & Xander:Why is the path unclear,When we know home is near.Understand we'll go hand in hand,But we'll walk alone in fear. (Tell me)Tell me where do we go from here.All:When does the end appear,Spike: (spoken)Bugger this.All:When do the trumpets cheer.The curtain's close, on a kiss god knows,We can tell the end is near...Buffy: (spoken)Hey.Spike: (spoken)You should go back insideFinish the group sing,Get your kumbayaya's out.Buffy: (spoken)I don't want to.Spike: (spoken)The day you sus out what you do want,There'll probably be a parade.76 bloody trombones.Buffy: (spoken)Spike.Spike: (spoken)Look, you don't have to say anything.(Buffy & Spike same time)Buffy:I touch the fire and it freezes me.I look into it and its black.Why can't I feel?My skin shoul crak and peelSpike:I died so many years ago,you can make me feelAll:Where do we go from here.
Artist: Buffy Musical EpisodeSong: Where Do We Go From Here?
Etiquetas: buffy, friki, sentimientos, vampiros
Lo pensó Easy at 2:49 p. m. -->
Sobretodo me gusta el final...Un beso enorme.
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"No es por ellos por lo que haces este sacrificio -repitió la voz-. ¡Es porque no puedes afrontar la derrota! A ti nada te ha derrotado nunca, ni la mismísima muerte..." Tomado de "El Retorno de los Dragones", sobre Raistlin, el personaje con el que me siento más identificado...
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Sobretodo me gusta el final...
Un beso enorme.
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