viernes, mayo 25, 2007

Dedicada al equipo LSI-UC3M 2007:

Ive paid my dues -
Time after time -
Ive done my sentence
But committed no crime -
And bad mistakes
Ive made a few
Ive had my share of sand kicked in my face -
But Ive come through

We are the champions - my friends
And well keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
cause we are the champions - of the world -

Ive taken my bows
And my curtain calls -
You brought me fame and fortuen and everything that goes with it -
I thank you all -

But its been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise -
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race -
And I aint gonna lose -

We are the champions - my friends
And well keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
cause we are the champions - of the world -

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3 Pensamientos:

Blogger Easy pensó...

Gracias a tod@s por las 20000 visitas!!

7:59 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo pensó...

Hum, pues si sólo entramos los que ponemos comentarios, va a ser que sí estoy enganchado a Internet.


8:33 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo pensó...

Muchas felicidades por ese equipo GANADOR y a tí en particular...y por esas visitas que sigan subiendo al igual que tú en la vida.

Muchos besos.

9:56 p. m.  

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