Meme Musical: Queen

1) Banda o grupo elegido: "Queen" Por cierto, por el grupo elegido advierto que buena parte del post está en inglés...
2) Eres...¿hombre o mujer?: "Good old fashioned lover boy" I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things, We can do the tango just for two, I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings, Be your valentino just for you...
3) Descríbete: "I Want it All" Adventure seeker on an empty street, Just an alley creeper light on his feet, A young fighter screaming with no time for doubt, With the pain and anger cant see a way out, It aint much Im asking I heard him say, Gotta find me a future move out of my way, I want it all I want it all I want it all and I want it now, I want it all I want it all I want it all and I want it now...
4) ¿Qué sienten las personas acerca de ti?: "Friends will be Friends" It's not easy life, but you've got friends you can trust, Friends will be friends, When you're in need of love they give you care and attention, Friends will be friends, When you're through with life and all hope is lost, Hold out your hand cause friends will be friends right till the end...
5) ¿Cómo describirías tu anterior relación sentimental?: "Killer Queen" To avoid complications she never kept the same address, In conversation she spoke just like a baroness, Met a man from China went down to Geisha Minor, (Killer, killer, she's a killer Queen), But then again incidentally, if you're that way inclined...
6) Describe tu actual relación, con tu amante, novi@ o pretendiente, marido o mujer: "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" There goes my baby, She knows how to Rock n' roll, She drives me crazy, She gives me hot and cold fever, Then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat...
7) ¿Dónde quisieras estar ahora?: "Headlong" And you're rushing headlong you've got a new goal, And you're rushing headlong out of control, And you think you're so strong, But there ain't no stopping no there's nothin', You can do about it...
8) ¿Cómo eres respecto al amor?: "A Kind of Magic" Its a kind of magic, Its a kind of magic, A kind of magic, One dream one soul one prize one goal, One golden glance of what should be...
9) ¿Cómo es tu vida?: "Under Pressure" It's the terror of knowing, What the world is about, Watching some good friends, Screaming 'Let me out'...
10) ¿Qué pedirías si tuvieras un solo deseo?: "One Vision" One man one goal one mission, One heart one soul just one solution, One flash of light yeah one god one vision, One flesh one bone, One true religion, One voice one hope, One real decision, Wowowowo gimme one vision, No wrong no right, I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white, No blood no stain, All we need is one world wide vision, One flesh one bone, One true religion, One voice one hope, One real decision, Wowowowowowo, I had a dream, When I was young, A dream of sweet illusion, A glimpse of hope and unity, And visions of one sweet union...
11) Escribe una frase o cita célebre: "Rendirse es Traición". No es célebre, pero es la que más me gusta.
12) Ahora despídete: "The show must go on" My make-up may be flaking, But my smile still stays on, My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies, Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die, I can fly - my friends, The show must go on, The show must go on, Ill face it with a grin, Im never giving in, On - with the show -...
Etiquetas: música, sentimientos
3 Pensamientos:
Wauuu!! Ya te conocía...pero ha sido impresionante, ver como te describes de esta forma...eres una luz en la oscuridad!! De lo mejor!! Y he estado a puntito de nominarte...por faltas de ganas no ha sido...pero siempre me lees el pensamiento.
Un besazo al mejor!!
Tsk, tsk, falta "Don´t stop me now". Hubiera jurado que era uno de tus lemas...
Pues no te digo que no lo sea, agente, pero no respondía a ninguna de las preguntas del test...
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